Saturday, August 23, 2014

Short Story Saturday: Starr-Eyed, Becca First

Welcome to Short Story Saturday! Each week, I'll talk about a different story from the collection I'm working my way through and offer up some thoughts. I'm currently reading Starry-Eyed: 16 Stories that Steal the Spotlight.

Story: Becca First
Author: Alex Flinn
Summary: Meghan desperately wants to be a better singer than Becca, but does she realize the price they both pay for the things they each think matters more?
Thoughts: This addition to the anthology is a sad, raw look at people who don't understand each other in a "the grass is always greener on the other side of the street" situation. I didn't have very strong feelings about either of these characters, however I was able to empathize with both of them to a degree and could understand each of their points of view.

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