Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Changes!

Hello and Happy 2014! As those of you who regularly read The Fuma Files may have noticed, I ended up taking a bit of a hiatus for the second half of December. It wasn't planned, but simply put, I was getting burnt out. My blog is small so it sounds hard to believe, but I think the pressure of trying to write a book review a week got to be too much. In 2013, I found myself falling behind because while I wanted to post a review every Sunday, I do not write negative reviews as a general rule. So what to do if I didn't love whatever I read that week?

Put that on top of work, life commitments, trying to squeeze in even more reading I could say nice things about, usually forgetting to write Wednesday Word posts until Wednesday nights, and my own writing goals, and suddenly the blog which had started out as something fun had turned into a chore.

And so with the new year, there will be some new changes here! So, my new year blogging resolutions:

  • Try to post a review every Sunday, but I won't sweat it if I don't.
  • Participate in more weekly event posts like Top Ten Tuesday and Waiting on Wednesday, but again, don't sweat it if I'm just not feeling it that week.
  • Only write Wednesday Word posts if I actually have something to say.
  • Starting my own (mostly) weekly post: TBR Throw Back Thursdays! (#TBRtbt) Unlike Waiting on Wednesday which is about books we're all waiting to come out, I'll share books that are already out that I keep meaning to get to.
  • Enter less giveaways/don't request ARCs unless it's something I'm truly desperate to read until I can get caught up on the massive piles of books I already have in my possession that I need to read.
  • Be better at commenting on other people's blogs and be more active in the greater blogging community.
So... yeah! I really want to be a better blogger and see The Fuma Files grow, and I'm hoping this will be a step in the right direction. I also want to thank Brittany at The Book Addict's Guide and Liza at WhoRU Blog for their constant support as I try to figure this all out - you ladies rock! So please comment, follow, subscribe, share, and let's spread the awesomeness that comes with reading and books!


  1. Those are fantastic goals! That's what my 2014 is about too. I'm trying to do more things to better myself as a reader and as a blogger and trying to interact with people more but at the same time, not pressuring myself to do TOO much or fulfill goals that get overwhelming.
    Good luck!! Looking forward to everything you have to bring to 2014! Hope you have a fantastic year! (And hope to see you again soon!!)

    1. Thanks, Brittany! I was actually heavily inspired by the post you just did on *your* goals for the year. Good luck with your resolutions and I really hope we can see each other soon!! :)

  2. Without a doubt, I love being in your the Monica fan club!!! Your resolutions are perfect & I think a lot of people could benefit from taking this approach to not just blogging and reading, but life! Happy 2014! Keep writing, oh talented one! xxxxxxx

    1. Thanks, Liza! I was actually relieved when I talked to a few other people about this at your novel luncheon in how a lot of us actually want to read less in 2014 if it means that we still love what we do. Definitely interesting to think about. Thank you for your comments and continued support - you rock and happy 2014!!
